The New Horizon T101 Fitness Treadmills

The Horizon Fitness treadmill is designed for quiet operation which is a nice feature in a home exercise machine. You can work out and watch TV without having to turn up the volume. These treadmills are constructed with continuous duty horsepower motors just like commercial treadmills at the gym. That means they have consistent power no matter if you are pushing it with a hard run or cooling off with a slow walk. Another benefit of this Fitness treadmill is that it is constructed with shock absorption in mind which reduces the strain on your feet and joints.

The Horizon T101 is an example of a popular Horizon Fitness treadmill that has received a lot of good user reviews. This piece of fitness equipment is easy to fold and manipulate so you can store it when not in use. It rises to a ten percent incline so you can ramp up the intensity of your workouts.
It has nine fitness programs that you can set a goal for distance, time, or calories. You can select interval training, weight loss, or manual operation. You can keep track of your workout by monitoring your pulse on the heart rate grips.
This Horizon Fitness treadmill was designed with comfort in mind. It is equipped with a fitness fan so you can enjoy a nice breeze while you run or walk. It also has speakers and a headphone output so you can listen to fitness programs or music while you work out by hooking up your mp3 player.

Don't have much space? The Evolve SG model might be ideal for you. This is a smaller treadmill that can be folded to a height of ten inches so it can slide under your couch or bed when not in use.
This Horizon Fitness treadmill does not have to be assembled, it is ready to go right out of the box, just unfold it, plug it in and you are ready to start your workout. It has a maximum speed of six miles per hour and displays your distance, time, speed, and calories burned.

Horizon T401The Horizon T401 is an affordable treadmill that has a list price of $499. It offers a challenging workout with its 10 percent incline, 10 mph speed, and 1.75 continuous horsepower motor. It comes with six fitness routines programmed in and will provide you with feedback on your workout details including heart rate, distance, speed, and calories burned.
Horizon Fitness makes other models of treadmills as well so you are sure to find one that will fit your space requirements and budget. If you want to get in shape, investing in a Horizon Fitness treadmill is a good start. These quality made machines backed by warranties that extend up to twenty years on some models.

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